Tickets for Two to Hawaii Food & Wine Festival

Currency:USD Category:Business & Industrial Start Price:NA
Tickets for Two to Hawaii Food & Wine Festival
Auction starts ending at 6pm. If anyone places a bid within the last 3 minutes of a lot’s scheduled ending time, 3 minutes will be added to that particular lot’s countdown timer.

This is a credit card-only auction. The VISA/MC you signed up with when you registered, will be automatically charged after the auction ends.

Zero Buyer's Premium, 4.712% Tax. All items sold “as is” & “where-is”. No implied warranties or guarantees. All sales final. No returns for any reason.
Gift Certificate for Two Tickets to the Thirteenth Annual Hawaii Food & Wine Festival at the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa

Certificate is for November the 5th, 2023
Must be 21+ to attend.
Children not permitted unless noted otherwise
Contact details are included with the gift certificate
Must be redeemed by August 30,2023

Donated by: Hawaii Food & Wine Festival