100.00EURto o******o+ applicable fees & taxes.
This item SOLD at 2018 Sep 22 @ 15:51UTC+03:00 : EEST/MSK
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Hydraulinen vinssi
Model: OVH312
Auction Location:
Alavudentie 491, Alavus, Etelä-pohjanmaa, 63610 Tuuri, Finland
Previewing Details:
Näyttöpäivä perjantaina 21.9 klo:9:00-17:00
Osoite: Alavudentie 491, 63610 Tuuri
See and test the machines at auction site on Friday 21.9 from 9am to 8pm
Address: Alavudentie 491, 63610 Tuuri, Finland
Tax | Rate | Desc. |
24% |
Arvonlisävero |
Buyer's Premiums:
From (Incl.) | To (Excl.) | Premium |
0.00 |
Infinite |
0% |
Additional Fees:
Shipping Details:
No Info Available
Payment Details:
Pankki/Bank: ASOP Tuuri 548516-21926
Iban: FI03 5485 1620 0019 26
Accepted Payment Methods:
- Master Card
- Money Order/Bank Draft
- Check/Cheque
- COD (cash on delivery)
- Wire Transfer
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