2203 - Salad bowl On Stand BWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Wood salad bowl on Stand with serving utensils 28x28x35 Christmas cactus plant pickup 10 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Blinddog for (10.00 + 1.80BP) = 11.80
2205 - Wedgwood ,Coalport & More AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Coalport lidded casserole, lid has been repaired. Wedgwood serving bowl, Lidded soup tureen, cakestand, plastic serving tray, candle sconces. Bring pa
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Ineedsit for (15.00 + 2.70BP) = 17.70
2206 - Patio Set CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
4 x Chairs, 21x26x45, table 38x38x30 and umbrella. Bring help to remove and pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to GLDD for (15.00 + 2.70BP) = 17.70
2207 - Wicker Chest of Drawers CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Chest of drawers with glass protective top. Contents in drawers included. Bring help to remove and pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to DELTAPORT1 for (40.00 + 7.20BP) = 47.20
2209 - Armchair BWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Upholstered arm chair, rose colour. 24x27x32.pick up11-12
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to SKSwanson for (5.00 + 0.90BP) = 5.90
2210 - Sennheiser, Kiddie & Sony AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Kiddie carbon monodide alarm, sony radio, Sennheiser earphones, Clasica music CD's Panasonic cd/radio all untested. Pickup at 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Scoste for (15.00 + 2.70BP) = 17.70
2212 - Leather Loveseat CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Leather love seat in cream/tan colour 62x34x32 Bring help to remove downstairs and pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Pimancan for (5.00 + 0.90BP) = 5.90
2213 - Sony TV & Samsung CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
30" Sony tv with remote, model KDL-32BX320 Samsung HD Dual CD player. Stand optional. Pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Tarmat for (5.00 + 0.90BP) = 5.90
2214 - Décor BWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Decorative vases Pickup at 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to DELTAPORT1 for (20.00 + 3.60BP) = 23.60
2219 - Royal Worcester Evesham Gold AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Lidded casserole 12x12x4, small lidded casserole and lidded fruit compote container. Bring packing and pickup at 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Osmanthus for (70.00 + 12.60BP) = 82.60
2221 - Royal Worcester Evesham Gold AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Large serving bowl 16x16x6, mini gravey boat and spil dish, pie plate and serving bowl. Bring packing an pickup at 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Osmanthus for (50.00 + 9.00BP) = 59.00
2224 - Art AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Framed rubbings, one frame is damaged and 3 xframed prints. Pickup at 10 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Tarmat for (5.00 + 0.90BP) = 5.90
2225 - Salton Cart & Hotplate CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Salton rolling heating cart and hot top Untested, other contents not included. Pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to abdul.moha.. for (55.00 + 9.90BP) = 64.90
2227 - Birks Sterling Silver AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Sterling silver napkin ring x3.Sterling silver S&P shakers x 4 and two Birks sterling silver s&p. and a pair of candle stick holders 625 ste...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to abdul.moha.. for (120.00 + 21.60BP) = 141.60
2231 - Rug CWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
7'6 x 5'6" Pickup at 11 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to GLDD for (5.00 + 0.90BP) = 5.90
2233 - Hammersley AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
8 x Hammersley coffee cup and saucers. Pickup at 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to judyzhu5 for (55.00 + 9.90BP) = 64.90
2246 - Christmas items AWest Coast Downsizing Solution Inc.
Large assortment of Christmas items, Christmas tree, wrapping paper, decorations, lantern and more. Pickup 9 am
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to Ineedsit for (15.00 + 2.70BP) = 17.70