Complete Outdoor Gear Set: Koozie, Fanny Pack, Lifting Straps, Belt, Grips & T-Shirt

Currency:USD Category:Benefit & Charity Start Price:NA
Ends Sep. 13 (starts ending at 6pm in 30-second intervals).

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This is a credit card-only auction. The VISA/MC you signed up with when you registered, will be automatically charged after the auction ends.

Zero Buyer's Premium. 4.712% GE Tax will be added to the bid amount. All items sold “as is.” All sales final. No returns for any reason.
Gear up for your next adventure with this ultimate outdoor and fitness collection. From lifting essentials to stylish accessories, elevate your gear game with these top-notch items

- The Original KD's Koozie
- Jandd Medium Fanny Pack (Red)
- Schiek Power Lifting Straps (Red)
- Schiek Jay Cutler Custom Belt (Size S, Model # J2014)
- Schiek Ultimate Grips (Black, Model # 1900)
- Schiek PolyHD T-Shirt (Size 2XL, Black)

Donated by:
Pacific Coast Sunglasses, Inc.
Jandd Mountaineering Inc.
Schiek Sports, Inc.