Aug 7th - Tools, Vehicles & Equipment

Auction Details

Lot numbers 600-636 are located off site. 15 k/m North of Shellbrook on Highway 240 & 8 k/m West on the old Canwood highway.
Please contact 306-350-1530 for viewing.

All other items are located in Prince Albert.
Lot numbers 600-636 are located off site. 15 k/m North of Shellbrook & 8 k/m West on the old Canwood highway.
Please contact 306-350-1530 for viewing
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John Deere Rototiller801 - John Deere Rototiller
Schmalz Auctions
John Deere Rototiller
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to xava for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
Lot of 3 Lawnmowers (For parts)802 - Lot of 3 Lawnmowers (For parts)
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of 3 Lawnmowers (For parts)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to xava for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Lot of 4 Door Windows for 95 Mustang803 - Lot of 4 Door Windows for 95 Mustang
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of 4 Door Windows for 95 Mustang
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to scuba101 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Lot of Brakes/Parts for Lode King/T800/International804 - Lot of Brakes/Parts for Lode King/T800/International
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Brakes/Parts for Lode King/T800/International
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 90281 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Lot of Boxes of Vintage Car Shocks805 - Lot of Boxes of Vintage Car Shocks
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Boxes of Vintage Car Shocks
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 49Diesel for (40.00 + 6.00BP) = 46.00
Box of Hard Hats/Nuts/Tecumseh 6HP Gas Tank/Safety Vests806 - Box of Hard Hats/Nuts/Tecumseh 6HP Gas Tank/Safety Vests
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Hard Hats/Nuts/Tecumseh 6HP Gas Tank/Safety Vests
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to jdalet for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
95 Mustang Door Panel/08 Grand Prix Rocker Panel807 - 95 Mustang Door Panel/08 Grand Prix Rocker Panel
Schmalz Auctions
95 Mustang Door Panel/08 Grand Prix Rocker Panel
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to thescrapper for (2.50 + 0.38BP) = 2.88
Volvo Truck Sleeper Seat Belts and Stainless Beacon Brackets808 - Volvo Truck Sleeper Seat Belts and Stainless Beacon Brackets
Schmalz Auctions
Volvo Truck Sleeper Seat Belts and Stainless Beacon Brackets
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to thescrapper for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
97 F150 Tow Mirrors809 - 97 F150 Tow Mirrors
Schmalz Auctions
97 F150 Tow Mirrors
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to scuba101 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Vintage Race Gear (Size Unknown)810 - Vintage Race Gear (Size Unknown)
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage Race Gear (Size Unknown)
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to mopar1 for (17.50 + 2.63BP) = 20.13
Crate of Bicycle Seats, Tubes/ Misc.811 - Crate of Bicycle Seats, Tubes/ Misc.
Schmalz Auctions
Crate of Bicycle Seats, Tubes/ Misc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to grumpyacres for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Vintage Black & Decker Grinder812 - Vintage Black & Decker Grinder
Schmalz Auctions
Vintage Black & Decker Grinder
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to thescrapper for (2.50 + 0.38BP) = 2.88
Lot of Vintage Ford Paint Cans/Solvents813 - Lot of Vintage Ford Paint Cans/Solvents
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Vintage Ford Paint Cans/Solvents
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (17.50 + 2.63BP) = 20.13
2 Boxes of Banding814 - 2 Boxes of Banding
Schmalz Auctions
2 Boxes of Banding
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 3zero6 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Set of Chrome Handle/Mirror Trim for '13-'18 Dodge815 - Set of Chrome Handle/Mirror Trim for '13-'18 Dodge
Schmalz Auctions
Set of Chrome Handle/Mirror Trim for '13-'18 Dodge
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to scuba101 for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Mini Compressor816 - Mini Compressor
Schmalz Auctions
Mini Compressor
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
Box of Case Manual817 - Box of Case Manual
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Case Manual
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to alandken for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
Box of Chilton Manuals818 - Box of Chilton Manuals
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Chilton Manuals
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BrotherTru.. for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Microfiche w/Cards Plus Exhaust Bending Cards (5 Boxes) 26"×23"×14"819 - Microfiche w/Cards Plus Exhaust Bending Cards (5 Boxes) 26"×23"×14"
Schmalz Auctions
Microfiche w/Cards Plus Exhaust Bending Cards (5 Boxes) 26"×23"×14"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Cyclaps for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
Tool Box/Cant Hook/Block and Tackle/Drill Bit/6' Pipe820 - Tool Box/Cant Hook/Block and Tackle/Drill Bit/6' Pipe
Schmalz Auctions
Tool Box/Cant Hook/Block and Tackle/Drill Bit/6' Pipe
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to xava for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Crate of Antique Gas Can/Jack/Oiler821 - Crate of Antique Gas Can/Jack/Oiler
Schmalz Auctions
Crate of Antique Gas Can/Jack/Oiler
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Box of Janitor Cart Bags/Box of Small Bags/Urinal Pucks822 - Box of Janitor Cart Bags/Box of Small Bags/Urinal Pucks
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Janitor Cart Bags/Box of Small Bags/Urinal Pucks
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to deb263 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Trailer Jack823 - Trailer Jack
Schmalz Auctions
Trailer Jack
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to grumpyacres for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
Box of Misc. Fluids824 - Box of Misc. Fluids
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Misc. Fluids
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
Rubber Gas Line/Air Hose825 - Rubber Gas Line/Air Hose
Schmalz Auctions
Rubber Gas Line/Air Hose
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to WillyCat1961 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Pressure Washer/Step Ladder826 - Pressure Washer/Step Ladder
Schmalz Auctions
Pressure Washer/Step Ladder
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Hami for (45.00 + 6.75BP) = 51.75
Lazy Susan Pieces + Misc.827 - Lazy Susan Pieces + Misc.
Schmalz Auctions
Lazy Susan Pieces + Misc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to diggitydig.. for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Lot of Garden Hose/Habachi Grates/Small Engine Starter Rope828 - Lot of Garden Hose/Habachi Grates/Small Engine Starter Rope
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Garden Hose/Habachi Grates/Small Engine Starter Rope
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50
Lot of Door Handles/Knobs + Misc.829 - Lot of Door Handles/Knobs + Misc.
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Door Handles/Knobs + Misc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
Boat Winch + Roof Rack Mounts & Bars830 - Boat Winch + Roof Rack Mounts & Bars
Schmalz Auctions
Boat Winch + Roof Rack Mounts & Bars
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Pb661 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Lot of Tow Ropes/B&D 3/8" Elec. Drill/ Etc.831 - Lot of Tow Ropes/B&D 3/8" Elec. Drill/ Etc.
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Tow Ropes/B&D 3/8" Elec. Drill/ Etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Lot of Grout + Tiles & etc.832 - Lot of Grout + Tiles & etc.
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Grout + Tiles & etc.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 3zero6 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Subwoofer Box833 - Subwoofer Box
Schmalz Auctions
Subwoofer Box
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to vcharles77 for (2.00 + 0.30BP) = 2.30
Lot of Torches and Welding Gauges834 - Lot of Torches and Welding Gauges
Schmalz Auctions
Lot of Torches and Welding Gauges
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Pepperdog1 for (45.00 + 6.75BP) = 51.75
Container of Random Hardware & Signs835 - Container of Random Hardware & Signs
Schmalz Auctions
Container of Random Hardware & Signs
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Container of Cabinet Hardware836 - Container of Cabinet Hardware
Schmalz Auctions
Container of Cabinet Hardware
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
Box of Closet Rods837 - Box of Closet Rods
Schmalz Auctions
Box of Closet Rods
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to HAAS21 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
Toolbox and Contents838 - Toolbox and Contents
Schmalz Auctions
Toolbox and Contents
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Whiteisright for (37.50 + 5.63BP) = 43.13
2 Sets Antique Table Legs839 - 2 Sets Antique Table Legs
Schmalz Auctions
2 Sets Antique Table Legs
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to deb263 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50
Metal Outside Door 34"840 - Metal Outside Door 34"
Schmalz Auctions
Metal Outside Door 34"
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to floor for (12.50) = 12.50
Car Ramps841 - Car Ramps
Schmalz Auctions
Car Ramps
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 4x4fry for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Beacon Light842 - Beacon Light
Schmalz Auctions
Beacon Light
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to brettCVH for (12.50 + 1.88BP) = 14.38
Rechargeable Lights843 - Rechargeable Lights
Schmalz Auctions
Rechargeable Lights
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Raydeb for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
Bloodstone Camp Stove844 - Bloodstone Camp Stove
Schmalz Auctions
Bloodstone Camp Stove
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Vers875 for (17.50 + 2.63BP) = 20.13
Pontiac Valve Covers845 - Pontiac Valve Covers
Schmalz Auctions
Pontiac Valve Covers
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to DJA68 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Spray Roll Tote846 - Spray Roll Tote
Schmalz Auctions
Spray Roll Tote
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to WillyCat1961 for (5.00 + 0.75BP) = 5.75
Rechargeable Lights847 - Rechargeable Lights
Schmalz Auctions
Rechargeable Lights
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to 53755758 for (7.50 + 1.13BP) = 8.63
5 Gal Air Tank848 - 5 Gal Air Tank
Schmalz Auctions
5 Gal Air Tank
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to Woody05 for (37.50 + 5.63BP) = 43.13
2× 275/65/20 Hankook Tires849 - 2× 275/65/20 Hankook Tires
Schmalz Auctions
2× 275/65/20 Hankook Tires
Bidding Has Concluded
Start Price : 5.00
4× 275/20/20 Bridgestone Tires850 - 4× 275/20/20 Bridgestone Tires
Schmalz Auctions
4× 275/20/20 Bridgestone Tires
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold to BrotherTru.. for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50